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The Varsity Extras page is maintained by CFH. To view calendar events, click on "view all" then "show tag menu." Select Chelsea Field Hockey, Varsity and/or Middle School.

Please note: all varsity/JV games MUST be verified on the OFFICIAL Michigan High School Field Hockey Association website. Game times/fields may change. You can access the OFFICIAL calendar via our "Varsity Games & Stats" page, which is actually a "mirror" copy of the calendar maintained by the MHSFHA.  On that calendar within Varsity Games & Stats page, click on "view all" then "show tag menu." Scroll down to the 2018 season, choose "Div 1" and then select "Chel" to get the Chelsea games on that official game calendar.

Recent CFH - Varsity Extras News

Chelsea Field Hockey Earns First State Title

By Mike Williamson 10/26/2024, 7:00pm EDT

Chelsea beats Dexter 1-0 to secure Division II State Title

Chelsea Field Hockey Knocks Off Defending State Champs

By Mike Williamson 09/15/2024, 7:00pm EDT


Chelsea and Dexter Field Hockey Battles to Draw

By Mike Williamson @ The Sun Times News 09/01/2024, 10:15am EDT

2018 Varsity Team

CFH's 2018 Varsity team concludes its season.