Great Lakes Regional Field Hockey at Legacy Center Sports Complex: (1) Defensive Clinic this Wednesday, March 3, 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. Focus on defensive principles and controlling play without possession. (2) 5v5 Playday on Wednesday, March 10, 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. Register here.
Spring Rec & Ed, 3rd-8th, April 5-June 6 : In partnership with Ann Arbor Rec & Ed. Chelsea midweek practices with weekend games in A2. Register here.
Fer De Lance, 3rd-8th, April 24-May 22: skills, small games and a weekly scrimmage at Wide World of Sports outdoor fields. Register here.
UM Alumni-coached spring break mini sessions for 1st-8th on March 31 & April 1: sessions at South State Indoor Field. Register here.