Today, we launch our annual Play4TheCure campaign. Join the fight to battle all cancers through fundraising for cancer research.
100% raised = 100% research
How to team up with us:
(1) Donate online to our campaign. All money raised goes to the National Foundation for Cancer Research
* Donate here *
(2) Attend our 10/10 games at 5:30 and 7:00 p.m. and donate at the gate. All gate fees contribute to cancer research.
(3) Collect gate fees at your game and send a check written out to National Foundation for Cancer Research to our Play4 coordinator at:
Chelsea Field Hockey
c/o Play4TheCure
P.O. Box 26
Chelsea, Michigan 48118
Your contribution will contribute to our fundraising goal of $3,000.
All money raised goes to all cancers.
(4) Wear pink on gameday to honor Roxy Block, our team's co-founder, and all family members and friends in the field hockey community affected by cancers.
Thank you for helping us stick it to cancer!